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Full Circle Midwifery

What my clients say...

I've had 4 babies.  My first was at the hospital and although wasn't one of those horror stories you sometimes hear, was not what I wanted.  There was lots of pressure from the staff, and I never felt comfortable.  I had always wanted a homebirth but was unsure.  After getting pregnant for the second time I decided I definitely wanted to have the baby at home.  I spoke to a few midwives and decided on Kathe after talking to one of her references.


Everything started out wonderfully.  My appointments were filled full of all the necessary things.  She checked the baby's heartbeat, how big I was getting, just like at the doctors' office.  The similarities changed there.  She also spoke at length about nutrition, how I was feeling, and what was going on in my life.  She was not only caring for me at the deepest level but getting to know me as a person as well.  That is critical when helping a woman birth.


When it came time for my little guy to arrive, I called her and after listening to me on the phone decided she should come right over.  She was there in no time.  She was wonderful.  The birth was beautiful and it was so nice to have her there to help and support me.


Then the postpartum period started.  This is where Kathe really thrives.  I didn't realize the value of good postpartum care until I had Kathe as my midwife.  She checked on us several times and was always available by text, phone, or email.  We all thrived.


A couple years later, I was pregnant with my third child.  And then a couple more years we got pregnant with number four. It was a no brainer that Kathe would be our midwife again.  Twice more she was wonderful.  I have never felt more cared for by someone who was taking care of my health needs.  


Kathe has become almost a part of our family.  I would not hesitate to recommend her and in fact have to other soon to be moms.

In the Summer of 2010 our search for the "ideal midwife" led to many calls, phone interviews and many a meeting with several midwives, however, when our path crossed with Kathe's Gibbs' we could not have foreseen the long term future relationship that would blossom with her by or side. Kathe is in so many ways that 

special person that you hope to have by your side and on your team to empower you during your pregnancy and birthing year. She keeps you strong, motivated, and healthy in spiritual ways, both mentally and physically and she believes in the absolute power of women and their God given right to birth their babies in safety, 

confidence and to help you manifest your perfect idea of birthing your most precious and sacred gift- YOUR baby. 

At the time of my first initial meeting with Kathe, my fear of going through a second birthing led me to believe that I would only be a mother of two. The fear that I had been subjected to at a modern birthing center with my first child several years earlier was still present in the forefront of my mind. Seven years later in 2017, I 

gave birth to my 4th child (an almost 10 pounder!), and the third baby which Kathe Gibbs delivered safely and sacredly in my home. There will never be enough words to express the amount of gratitude that my husband and I have for Kathe and the support she has given and continues to give to us during our child bearing years. Thank you Kathe!


Forty years old and pregnant with my first child, I read of risks in older pregnancies and chose a doctor. It was quickly apparent however, that from his perspective everything appeared to be a potential “emergency”, which seemed more related to what he might create, rather than the emergence of my baby. My comprehension of birth as a natural event was evolving, and in mid-pregnancy I switched to a Nurse Midwife. Her decisions however, were also were from a main stream medical viewpoint. During my firstborn’s birth, with two minor issues she asked us to drive to the hospital. Though our son was lucky enough to still have a vaginal birth, the medical momentum took over and I was frustrated by the atmosphere and many of the ways it was handled. It was also EXPENSIVE.


I met Kathe on the night she birthed her daughter. I arrived with a mutual friend, to a house of candles, soft music and radiance. The birth had been fast and her midwife hadn’t arrived in time, so she had birthed her baby herself. (I found out later, that earlier in her life after a severe, paralyzing accident, Kathe had begun acquiring first hand knowledge of healing and health and had dedicated her life to spiritual and safe birth). 

Pregnant with my second child at 43, I was clear that with her extensive experience and spirituality, I wanted Kathe as my midwife. With a second posterior baby and the same issue of lack of progressing returning in the second birth, Kathe calmly encouraged me to change my same preferred position and the concern disappeared. When dizzy from breathing too deeply as I had done in the first birth, rather than a hospital transfer, she had a simple solution. Since then I have also been present as a photographer at other births she has attended and I remain impressed by her skillful professionalism and quiet empowering support of women and their families. My family was blessed to have her for my daughter’s birth and supporting our health.


Kathe is God’s gift to birthing women!


"After a first traumatic hospital birth, I found Kathe who delivered my second baby at home. A 10lb 10oz baby girl! My placenta had trouble coming out but Kathe knew exactly what to do after allowing my body plenty of time and opportunities to act without assistance. I did require stitches and she did a much better job than the OB/GYN that had repaired me before, and I healed in 1/2 the time!  It was an amazing experience! Kathe was always professional, caring, and provided excellent support before, during and after birth. She comes with many years of experience and training from around the world. I won't ever birth with anyone else!"

Andréa M.

"Kathe Gibbs is the BEST, most wonderful and amazing midwife EVER!!!

Her level of care, concern, expertise and LOVE are unparalleled. I was blest to have 3 beautiful baby girls born with Kathe’s radiant and loving support. My only regret is that my first child was born in the hospital and not at home with Kathe. My mother was dead set against home birth and terrified for her only child to attempt such lunacy and tried to talk me out of it and have others convince me I was making a mistake. But you could literally feel my mother’s change of heart as she sat in on the birth planning meeting and watched Kathe’s slide show of beautiful home births - birth the way it was meant to be - not the sad and inhumane way my mother was treated in the hospital when I was born. My mother experienced healing of her own negative birth experience by watching her first grand daughter born so gently that she actually came out ASLEEP!!! My mom became one of Kathe’s biggest supporters and fans. She asked me “what does she make, 17 cents an hour?!” when she heard how much time Kathe would spend with me on her pre and post partum visits (which once happened at a farm where we met to pick berries and once included a delicious ollalaberry pie that Kathe had made for our family.) Kathe always made the whole family feel part of the special cycle of child bearing including the siblings who would listen to the heart beat of their inutero baby brother or sister. I really appreciated the wonderful books and videos that Kathe would share at just the right time along the journey - including the ones about water birth which I was so blessed to experience with my second daughter. The respect that Kathe shows the mother as she asks or tells you what and why she is about to do something instead of giving you the lowdown once it’s a fait accompli is another gift I appreciated so much after experiencing feeling like a side of beef in the hospital. I cannot recommend Kathe highly enough.  For me she became a friend and sister as well as an incredible midwife. Kathe was born to be a midwife and you could not make a better choice for you, your baby or your family."

Nicole. Ch. 

"The thing I needed most when I decided to do a home birth for my second child was to feel safe. After interviewing a half dozen midwives, it was clear Kathe was the one that provided me with that feeling of safety. Aside from her extensive knowledge, experience and resources, she has a motherly energy that is at once gentle and firm and completely reassuring. Her home visits were fun and informative and she easily addressed any concerns I was having at each visit. She was great with my then 3-year-old daughter. She helped her feel comfortable and educated her with stories and children's books about pregnancy and birth.


When she arrived at my house during labor, a great sense of calm came over me and I knew everything would be fine despite being surprised that my baby decided he was ready to be born 3 weeks early. Her technique of breathing the baby out allowed baby and me to have a gentle transition into our new roles of mother and son.


I can't recommend Kathe enough."


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